Monday, December 29, 2008
This is The End... :P
Yes. Boredom spurs all. Anyway, I'm bored of thinking about the same people and the same things. I'm thinking I'll think about something else. Think, I tell myself. I try. I don't succeed. Don't think, and I eliminate myself. This was supposed to be a funny post. I can't turn it into one. You can. Laugh. Now.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Somethings clearly messed up
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The Mumbai Attacks
Monday, November 17, 2008
In a Dark Place, tis my Day of Reckoning
In a dark and dangerous place now,
Sunday, November 09, 2008
An evening at rest
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
New random Conversation
ЂЄ ώΘ®ð Father: Ah, the sweet sounds of net mayhem. :D jus happy what up with ye? how is all? all's good u? why so? or something akin to that ? Sent at 12:45 AM on Thursday you should, it is a very heartening feeling not a part of me i like Sent at 12:51 AM on Thursday ne others? preferably newer ones ? its awesome in bruges? and know ne preferably comedy ones? nuff for now i guess Sent at 1:04 AM on Thursday although did have great chicken biryani thats about it nice k cya Sent at 1:12 AM on Thursday night dude i'm posting |
Monday, October 27, 2008
And they speak of the rights of a woman...
First read above.
Second, understand.
Third, I apologise for mentioning a certain conversation over here, but it is necessary.
So I'm still a little riled, more at the law than at anything else. Everything is so intensely screwed up in the world. My country, India, the world's largest democracy, a near-third world nation(lets not elude ourselves) does not allow homosexuality. It is punishable by law. Your preference is liable to get you jailed. Yes, we have progressed from the middle ages to the middler ages.
New Zealand is supposed to be an advanced country. What gives them the right to decide what the mother wants? Is it by any chance the government's concern? Is the father a collective set of fogies who sit in positions of power taking decisions on other people's lives? Does the consultant know what the woman might be going through? Is it fair that she reveal her life to a complete stranger and let her wishes become slave to their discretion? And then you call it a free country?
And then, I talked about this to a friend, I respect her views, but I cannot help but say they are wrong. She first said that a person shouldn't get physical with anyone without taking precautions. Agreed. Precautions aren't fool-proof. What then? "She shouldn't act slutty, then". Do you call an expression of love, an act of love, particular, to that person, maybe, "slutty"? Can you judge a person on the basis of a single act?
Then, it was said that the unborn child has a right to live. Of course, it does. Everyone has a right to live. Only is it right for the unborn child to die or one that is born?
I may be stereotyping, but there is a chance that the woman in question could be:
a) poor
b) a junkie
c) not wanting a child
In the first case, will the child be supported by the government? In society, will the child be respected, treated as an equal? Will the people accept the child as a part of the same society that is giving it its right to live? I don't know. Will the child have friends? Will the mother not be looked upon as "a little loose"? Will the fact that she might have done nothing to deserve the snide comments and the stares of society make a difference? I don't know about NZ, but in India, she'll live through hell for it.
In the second case, how might she support the kid? Again, will the environment be conducive to the growth of the child? Will there not be a great chance that it grows up to become like one of its parents, still considered a burden to society? Society might accept that, won't it?
In the third? The child will be hated. By its mother, and if there is a father, by the father. The mother will not want to care for it and will look upon it as a mistake. And I don't know how many people know how it feels to be treated that way. If the child doesn't kill itself, it might just turn into a psychotic of some sort.
Either way, is it not the choice of the woman to decide whether she wants to give birth or not?
Are those not 9 months, and consequent years of her life that she is free to dispose of? Is it fair on to a child, born, because of the decision of someone who doesn't know any of the circumstances leading to the abortion, to face hatred or social anathema?
I'm not a feminist or anything, I believe in equality, and questioning a woman's decision in that manner isn't equality.
I'm ranting, and might not have made sense, but I am mad about the whole situation.
The whole essence of existence question keeps plaguing me. Why do we exist? Is there a reason?
And somehow, I forget the simplest reason. We exist to justify existence. At least thats how I have been looking at the whole concept. I don't know, its a possibility, isn't it?
Bleh. I should stop writing shit like this.
I feel like I'm turning into some sort of really bored, bitchy person. A class-mate called me a 'nasty stereotype from Mean Girls(the movie)' and I think I may be turning into one. Yay.
And somewhere down the line, things are starting to make no sense at all. Everywhere I look, all I see around me is some kind of weird recurring regurgitated script of something similar to an American Pie movie. Its very freaky. I hate those movies.
And there are things. Things that I can't explain to myself. For no reason that weird, I am sort of ashamed to admit, feeling of loneliness creeps in to me. And then it goes away. Its probably nothing, but nothing is what we think about the most, is it not?
I feel like writing letters, I feel like calling names. I don't know anything that I think about.
Hello World.
The world has changed so much. The loops have turned loopier, the bends have further bent themselves. So many people are dying and yet no one cares even a little. The callousness they posses is extraordinary. The way we have removed that 'feeling' from our conciousness is extraordinary.
Is there a random kind of anger in you? I have rage bottled up in me, I don't know why...
There have been so many things that have metamorphosed into things that are so similar and still not that way.
I feel like sleeping.
There is so much to say and to talk about and I feel incapable of doing so.
I will sleep. I will sleep.
July 9th 2008. Nerul, Navi Mumbai.
We tried to save it, did not amount to much, our efforts, I mean.
It was a terrible fuck-up.
A car, government car, drove past us, a man threw something on the street. Another dog ate it, and it started experiencing fits as well.
The symptoms of the poison included fits, extreme discharge of fluids due to salivation and other ways.
After the second dog died, about twenty others did as well.
The people had poisoned all of them. A municipal dump-truck was collecting the bodies.
I tried running after the car, they moved off, fast. I wanted to kill them.
No one wanted to help, no one cared.
I've played with those dogs, lived with some of them for 7 years, almost.
The cruelty of man is astounding.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Listen up people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is 12 hours of straight up mind numbing work. Not to mention extra projects, research and more homework on weekends. So please, next time you wanna ask me some dumb question in which u think the american pie movies are realistic, think again.
Monday, August 11, 2008
And so the countdown begins. Again.
Why does going away have to be so hard? Everyone keeps telling me how lucky i am to have all this, and indeed i am truly so, it still fills me with a sense of dread and fear, fear of what lies ahead, for being away for so long has made me realise how much this place is a part of me. And yet, leave it i must. For there is no other choice.
Day by day, as the clock ticks life away, the dread increases. And sadly enough, so does the loneliness, for as everyone slowly gets busy with their own work and studies, i feel lonelier and more alone than ever. For it is at this time, that i need that feeling of comfort that one gets from one's friends.
I so dearly wish that i didn't have to go, for now i know not when i will return. All I know, is that it will be a long time before i do.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Wodehouse: A Tribute
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
You know You're in college When:
1. High school started before 8am, but now anything before noon is considered “early."
2. You have more beer than food in your fridge.
3. Weekends start on Thursday. No... Wednesday.
4. 6am is when you go to sleep, not when you wake up.
5. You know many different ways to cook ramen noodles or macaroni and cheese.
6. The health center gives out free condoms, and people take them… just in case.
7. Instead of falling asleep in class, you stay in bed.
8. You know how late McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Qdoba, etc. are open.
9. You think it’s the weekend on a Wednesday and you don’t know what month it is.
10. You can't remember the last time you washed your car.
11. Your underwear/sock supply dictates your laundry schedule.
12. You check Facebook/Myspace more than once a day.
13. You get drunk dialed on any night of the week.
14. You wash dishes in the bathroom sink.
15. You’ve fallen off a loft bed.
16. You talk about beer pong like it’s a sport.
17. Finding random people in your house is perfectly normal, and you even sympathize with them... sometimes when you wake up you have no idea where you are.
18. Your primary news sources are the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.
19. You open a beer at 10 am and your roommate asks you if there’s more.
20. The standard of meals per day falls to two, sometimes just one.
21. Your trash is overflowing and your bank account isn’t.
22. You go to Target or WalMart more than 3 times a week.
23. You wear the same jeans for 13 days without washing them.
24. Your breakfast consists of a coke or cereal bar on the way to class... anything with caffeine will do.
25. Quarters are like gold.
26. Your idea of feeding the poor is buying yourself some ramen noodles.
27. You live in a house with three couches, none of which match.
28. You try to study but seem to procrastinate by eating, going to study breaks, talking to people, etc...
29. You talk to your roommate on instant messenger when you’re both home.
30. You ask people what YOU did last night.
31. Certain things are now deemed "facebook worthy." When friends take pictures of you, you wonder how long it will take them to post them.
32. You’ve seen a hit and run involving a bicyclist/pedestrian.
33. You see people you know you’ve met but can never remember their names or how you know them.
34. You sleep more in class than in your room
35. Your idea of a square meal is a box of Pop-Tarts.
36. You've traveled with bags of dirty clothes.
37. You go home to do your laundry because you're too poor to pay the $2... or too lazy to go to a change machine.
38. You pay $100 for a book you don't read once, return it four months later, and get $7.
39. More than 20% of your household furnishings are made from milk crates.
40. You recognize the meat in the dorm soup as yesterday's meatloaf, and thus decide to eat a nice bowl of cereal - a safe bet for any meal.
41. You use words like "thus" (see #40).
42. You throw out bowls and plates because you don't feel like washing them.
43. Your beer pong table is nicer than all your other tables.
44. It takes preparation... and 3 people... to take out your garbage.
45. Going to the library is a social event.
46. You wear flip flops in the shower your freshman year... you know why.
47. You start joining clubs because of the free food.
48. Visits home depend on how much money you have for gas.
49. You skip one class to write a paper for another.
50. You have no idea where your tuition money is going... technology fees? I think not.
51. Bicycles don't seem as lame as they did in high school.
52. You stay up late to finish homework then sleep through the class in which it was due.
53. Girls: You've balanced your foot on a shampoo bottle to shave.
54. Your backpack is giving you scoliosis.
55. You've written a check for 45 cents or stopped to get $2.00 of gas.
56. Your bill in the bookstore will be comparable to tuition.
57. Going to the mailbox becomes an ego booster/breaker.
58. Most of your T.A.s are foreign...what's the deal?
59. You never realized so many people are smarter than you.
60. You never realized so many people are more dumb (aka "dumber") than you.
61. Western Europe could be wiped out by a terrible plague and you'd never know, but you can recite the last episode of your favorite show verbatim.
62. Care packages rank right up there with birthdays.
63. You craft ways to make any game into a drinking/stripping game.
64. You meet the type of people you thought only existed in movies.
65. Printers break down only when you desperately need them.
66. Anything can be cooked in a microwave.
67. Two words: bike cops.
68. You have Safe Ride programmed into your phone.
69. Old school Nintendo... and guitar hero... are pretty much the best things ever.
70. Going to the grocery at midnight is completely normal.
71. You call restaurants that deliver more than you call your own family.
72. You've paid bills over $5... in coins.
73. You can't imagine life without your computer/cell phone/ ipod.
74. Hoodies and sweatpants become the norm - jeans are considered "dressy" at certain occasions... like school.
75. A canceled class is almost as exciting as Christmas.
76. Taking a nap in the library is perfectly acceptable.
77. Your professors speak English... as a second language.
78. Your teachers swear in class and no one cares.
79. Candles in your dorm room are considered contraband, but cigarettes are ok.
80. You take condiment packets and napkins from fast food restaurants - hey, they're free.
81. Betta fish are like your family.
82. You bring back socks from the laundry room that may or may not be yours.
83. You know what people carrying suspiciously heavy backpacks after dark are doing...
84. The elevators take forever but you'll wait 10 minutes just so you don't have to climb stairs.
85. Your roommate asks you to check the weather on your computer when they're standing 5 feet away from the door.
86. Showers become more of an issue.
87. You press the automatic door opener instead of simply grabbing the handle when you approach a door.
88. Christmas lights seem to be acceptable all year round.
89. Class size doubles on exam days.
90. You donate plasma even though you know it's pretty sketchy.
91. You are no longer thankful that fire alarms are here to protect you.
92. You've bought Christmas presents from the book store and charged it to your student account so your parents pay for the gifts because you're too broke.
93. You begin to include ketchup on your list of acceptable vegetables.
94. You stay on campus for hours in between classes when it's too cold to walk home.
95. People have to help you kick the vending machine just so you can get your 50 cent bag of chips.
96. There's always a "question kid" in at least one of your classes, and you really wish someone would just tell him/her to shut the hell up.
97. You steal dishes from the cafeteria so you don't have to wash your own.
98. Laundry is an all-day event.
99. You no longer find it uncool to take naps. In fact, you quite enjoy them.
100. It's illegal to drink in the dorms yet they sell an assortment of shot glasses, beer mugs, tankards, etc. in the bookstore.
101. You find your list of acceptable napping places expanding daily to increasingly uncomfortable locations.
102. You fill out credit card applications for the free food.
103. You've eaten cereal out of a cup... with a fork.
104. Dressing up for Halloween becomes cool again.
105. You know at least one person who has dropped his/her cell phone into a toilet.
106. You hang multiple shirts on the same hanger to save space/money.
107. You become increasingly annoyed with the "old" people in class - props to them for going back to college but they generally ask really, really annoying questions.
108. You admire people's alcohol bottle shrines.
109. You set your clock 5-10 minutes ahead so you can potentially make it to class on time.
110. You eventually realize that setting your clock ahead makes no difference to you and you're still late.
111. You check (or something of the like) before choosing your class schedule.
112. You text faster than you type.
113. You only find out a class is cancelled after you get there and sit for about ten minutes.
114. You actually start using coupons, especially those school coupon books.
115. You open canned food and eat it... out of the can.
116. You run out of black ink and, instead of buying a new ink cartridge, decide blue is a nice substitute... adds a little flair.
117. You have numbers in your phone with labels like “Sketchy Steve” and “Alcohol Guy.”
118. The food in your fridge may or may not be older than your little brother.
119. The words "google" and "wikipedia" have become verbs. And you use them... quite often.
120. The names Morgan, Jim, Jack, and Jose could aptly describe either who you were with last night or what you had to drink.
121. You fill your empty two-liter bottles with pop from the school cafeteria.
122. You have a drinking buddy who can hold the most intellectual, deep conversations when drunk. Unfortunately, neither he/she nor you can remember most of it later.
123. Your floor has been dirty to the point that you've had to brush your feet off before putting on socks or getting into bed.
124. You're all for the free samples at grocery stores.
125. Energy drinks become your new best friends.
126. You realize that taking summer classes pretty much negates the fun connotation of "summer."
127. You know exactly how much food will fit into a mini-fridge.
128. You realize that said mini-fridge does NOT freeze ice cream.
129. You've made a sandwich on or eaten food off of your $1500 laptop.
130. Your scar stories involve alcohol and/or hearing what happened to you from your more sober friends.
131. It is completely acceptable... and encouraged... to party on weeknights. What would life be without Wasted Wednesdays or Thirsty Thursdays?
132. Most of your textbooks remain unopened (possibly still shrink-wrapped) the entire semester.
133. Waking up in the morning and driving somewhere to get a friend's (or your) car becomes a norm.
134. The local supermarket sells ping pong balls... right next to solo red cups. Coincidence?
135. You go home for winter/summer break and suddenly your life back at college seems so exciting...
136. You smell the clear liquid in your water bottle before you drink it... just to make sure it's actually water.
137. You discover new bruises on your body and wonder where the hell they came from.
138. You find alternate routes to class in order to avoid annoying organization booths and/or the preacher on campus.
139. Two (more) words: Power Hour.
140. Lunchables are cool again.
141. People make snow penises instead of snowmen.
142. You know at least five people who've burned popcorn.
143. You wonder why dorms stop serving breakfast at 11am. What gives?
144. You attend insanely boring seminars because your professor offers extra credit. Hmm, maybe there will even be cookies or something...
145. You can't sit in the front row because of all the 'non-traditional' students.
146. You finish reading this and wonder how you can procrastinate next.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Pay no attention
On 2nd thought, maybe later. OR now? ah fuck it.
Really, i feel dumb writing this shit here, but ah well, lets just do it.
This is really one of the things about me thats changed since i last wrote, namely, that its been so long since i last wrote. Thats just the first. Rest are kinda worse really, and not something that i'm too sure about writing up here, but i figure most folks, if not all, would've gotten bored by this point so might as well just get it out there.
I dunno how to put this but quite frankly, recently, it seems to me as though a part of me has died or changed, that some things just don't cause a reaction anymore. I seem to have lost a large part of my sense of humor, for the rest that i still retain, i'm happy, but the part that i've lost seems to be irretrievably gone, at least for now. Small things that used to cheer me up, make me smile or laugh, no longer do. Another side effect of this is a far more no nonsense approach, but at the same time, this approach seems too damn bleak for my tastes, but i can't really shake it off. Up until now, i have always had the wildest craziest dreams, and used those dreams to dream even crazier, hope even wilder, but at this point, i just can't seem to do that. Every single flight of imagination, which earlier used to end up decades in the future or millions of miles away, now crash lands too close for comfort. It really scares me no end, it terrifies the living hell outta me, but then again, what can i do anyway. All i have the guts to do at this point is get used to this no nonsense approach of mine, bleak as it may be, but i guess its just realistic, rather than my previous approach, which at this point seems to be quite simply delusional. That it in some weird way actually worked is something which i don't really care to dwell on.
So yeah, to put it quite frankly, a part of me, deep inside me, has died. It was a part of my soul, one integral to my very way of life, but it seems to be gone. And honestly, i'm scared, terrified, petrified, afraid now that i look at things in this new harsh realistic light. I've given up on things which earlier i wouldn't have dreamed of abandoning, dumb as they were, i always held on to that tiny ray of hope. I'm too scared to try and reach for the unreachable, for now i feel that to do so is to attempt the impossible, and even though in the past, i have never really faltered while walking the path that my delusions took me upon, and fruitful those paths have always been, yet now, i find myself, terrified to even take a single step onto those paths, for now i realise what delusions they truly are, and yet, there is a part of me that still wishes i could walk those paths, for only then would i realise what those wild dreams can truly let us achieve.
I'm scared, i'm nervous and i'm terrified. Of what, i'm really not sure, but possibly it is life, and perhaps even failure. And thats what really scares me, for where i once had the nerve to take life and failure head on without fear, i now find myself truly out of my depth, and that is what scares me, that i am perhaps too weak, not strong enough to survive, and that, just scares the living hell out of me.
If u're still reading this, damn u really must have nothing better to do!!!
I can't believe you read this, but jokes apart, what i wrote was truly what i mean. Its just hard to express it any other way for some reason. I really don't know who i could possibly tell this to, and yet here i am, posting this for the entire world to see. Oh well, thats me. As for the rest of what goes on inside this fucked up brain of mine, i'll save that for another post. I'm insane nuff as it is, don't wanna drive you nuts too.
BTW, i never said i liked Lamb of God, i just found it audible enough recently. I dunno, maybe thats another side effect.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
They tagged me. I don't know why. I didn't even know what tagging is. I thought I would be weighed or measured and then something would be stucked on me, but it didn't happen. I was disappointed. I made a really bad pun reference-y (supposed) joke thing about it as well.
These are the rules:
1. Link the person(s) who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
I was tagged by Isha. I don't know how to link. I'm pathetic at online stuff, most of the time.
6 Unspectacular Quirks:
1. I dislike if one can call it that, uneven stuff. When I see a wall which has some sort of ungainly protrusion, or something, I want to smoothen it out and make everything even. Seamless. So at times, I break stuff because it seems uneven. At times, I just keep running my fingers over the uneven surface thinking that it will turn even, somehow. Maybe I'm some sort of weird Communist by nature. Maybe.
2. I like pushing buttons. I like chewing buttons. I like buttons. I used to listen to a Pussycat Dolls song which went by the name of "Buttons" because it had the word buttons in it. I like buttons. Buttons buttons buttons.
3. I like the Chinese. I like talking about the Chinese. I like saying Chinese for no reason at all. I often do so in the middle of conversations.
4. I hate normal conversations. I like to say stuff like "chinese" in the middle of them. I hate people who talk and talk and talk unless the people are me. I am also a hypocrite, but I know all about that already.
5. I hate talking about me. Its irritating.
6. I hate compliments with regard to myself. I hate them. I also am very suspicious of compliments.
So there. That was a tag. You're entertained, aren't you? Good. You should be.
I have to tag people. But I won't. I hate people. Unless they are people I like. So there.
Karan likes Lamb of God. I am scandalized.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Um... Bleep?
And then there is Michael Jackson. A freak or something. People used to worship him, almost, at one point of time. And then, they started hating him. I don't know much about it, I never followed what came in the papers about him. But then, as far as I know, he never apologized. And yet, he is a freak and someone who has to be ridiculed. While anyone, who lies, hides, and fools can be respected and loved and whatever. Its very weird.
And I don't like cell phones.
I think thats about it.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
This same politics which aims to get more jobs will end up causing everyone to lose their jobs n shut down every industry there is.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Something, Something and something............
Deep down, i always knew,
That things would be different,
That there would be some loneliness...
But never in my scariest nightmares had i imagined,
That it could get this bad.
Nothings really changed as such.,
Except that its gotten inside my head now.....
Spreading slowly at first,
Faster and faster now.....
Clawing at me,
Eating away at my insides.........
Taking over me, little by little
Driving me crazy...........
Its too much to handle,
This time, no one can help me
So many want to,
But i doubt if anyone can...
For this is unlike anything i've ever faced before
Nothings ever hit me this hard before
From so many different directions..
Each time i try and stop it,
It comes in from another place...
Crippling me,
Driving me crazy,
Over the edge
I cant take it anymore,
But it just doest stop
Ruthlessly, going on and on,
Blinding me, this pain that i feel,
Deep down inside,
I cant fight it,
It wont let me give up.
So i have to keep fighting it,
No matter the cost,
Because, even though i keep losing,
I have no other choice.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Analogy With The Romans(incomplete)
Me and Karan were talking about 1041 IST and this is what we talked about... And its rather funky, so I thought we'll put it up and see how people, respond, if they read our blog, ever...
10:41 AM K-Squared: dude, the romans were fucked up
me: I know... really fucked up...
10:42 AM K-Squared: i was jus reading livy
me: Livy?
K-Squared: yeah
me: what eet is?
10:43 AM K-Squared: ancient roman historian
for this course, we have to read livy, ovid, the roman comedies, etc.
10:44 AM plus roman erotic poems n surch
apparently, ovid was sort of the roman vatsayana, though he was more about picking up chicks n stuff
me: ah... good... yes, they were a bunch of fucked up people... brilliant ones are almost always fucked up...
10:45 AM K-Squared: yeah dude, but that was not exactly brilliant
they got most from the greeks
the greeks werent fucked up, they wer
10:46 AM me: the greeks were fucked up as well...
K-Squared: not that bad
me: well, Zeus married his own daughter... thats about as fucked up... No, the Greeks were smarter...
K-Squared: yep
K-Squared: is it ok to say that the romans were fucked up
me: yes... although, one would have to mention the achievements and then mention the fuck ups...
11:19 AM K-Squared: the part i'm writing about is mostly a fuckup
me: which one?
K-Squared: the decimvirs
me: ah...?
11:20 AM K-Squared: look it up
11:22 AM me: too complicated...
K-Squared: ok
11:23 AM me: I mean googling it is...
11:24 AM K-Squared: ok
11:25 AM me: what is it about, again?
K-Squared: what?
me: decimvirs
K-Squared: pretty much
11:27 AM me: so where comes the fuck up?
K-Squared: they relected a decimvir coz they were very nice the first time around
| 7 minutes |
11:35 AM K-Squared: pretty much it
11:39 AM me: well, people never learn... look at our materland...
K-Squared: ah true, but there is still a difference
11:40 AM me: and that would be?
K-Squared: we arent that fucked up
besides, we're fucked up in a different way
and, we didn't elect bush
and laloo is actually doing a good job
11:41 AM me: neither did the Romans... we elected Modi... and he's doing an even better job, isn't he?
K-Squared: the romans elected appius, literally gave him the rope to hang themselves with
modi actually is doing a damn good job in that sense
11:42 AM besides, these guys fucked everything up
11:45 AM me: modi is killing and holding bias in the name of religion... and Indians elected Arjun Singh giving him the rope to slowly strangle not just themselves, but also their future... the thing with governing people is, that every one in the end destroys all that they shouldn't because they make decisions that aren't supposed to be made by them.. people don't understand that and allow them to do so... its like god... if its nice, say god is great, if its something bad, blame it on the devil... at the end of it all, it was you who created them both and it was your decision that lead to whatever happened...
Monday, January 28, 2008
I dont know what to say................
Theres something different about me i feel
And yet i feel as though its still the same.
Can't quite put my finger on it.
Things are going so friggin well.
Life truly is beautiful.
And yet, its as twisted n messed up as it is beautiful.
There's this loneliness inside me,
Thats eating me up from the inside.
Don't know how bad it can get,
Or even how it can get any worse.
Its so goddamn bad already;
And yet day by day it gets worse.
And yet, things look so friggin bright on one side,
Goddamn it, i'm truly insane arent i.
I cant take this stuff anymore.
I need to fix this fast,
before i go over the edge.
Hell, i already am over the edge.
Geez, someone please, help me, what do i do now?
'And to top it all of, this post sucks too.......
Fuck. All this really sucks.
ah well. screw it, screwed neways, nvm.
Life is truly weird. Fun, but weird nonetheless
Why do you ask? So do i sadly, so do i. Why it is weird, i cant really say. All i know is that it just is. Things go so well on the one hand. And yet, on the other hand, they get so screwed up that it looks worse than a disfigured signboard in a funhouse mirror. But thats the way life goes, thats the way the cookie crumbles, and so on. Yin and Yang i guess. Balance of life. Getting pretty close to insanity now, getting crazier by the day. If i haven't already gotten there yet that is. And i'm pretty sure i have. Ah well.... Fuck it. Life goes on.
Ave Internet, je insanus te salutant.
Or something along those lines. My Latin sucks
Just dont take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive.