Sunday, August 03, 2008

Wodehouse: A Tribute

So here it goes. Long, long overdue, much much desired, (at least by the authors of this blog), and hopefully about to be started. Me n Vishy are finally hoping to get started on what we've been talking about for a while now, writing what we feel is an Ultimate Wodehouse story, involving some of most famous and beloved characters, such as Psmith, Gally, Jeeves, Uncle Fred and others in a single story, which has not yet been done. We were always curious as to what such a book would've been like, and finally, with what little time there is left, we're hoping to get started on this dream story. And of course, granted that tis is but a mere attempt to emulate the master of comical farce, for we are but mere minnows, trying to swim in this ocean where Wodehouse is undoubtedly king of the lake. But try we shall, ideas are highly appreciated.

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