Saturday, July 05, 2008


They tagged me. I don't know why. I didn't even know what tagging is. I thought I would be weighed or measured and then something would be stucked on me, but it didn't happen. I was disappointed. I made a really bad pun reference-y (supposed) joke thing about it as well.

These are the rules:

1. Link the person(s) who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

I was tagged by Isha. I don't know how to link. I'm pathetic at online stuff, most of the time.

6 Unspectacular Quirks:

1. I dislike if one can call it that, uneven stuff. When I see a wall which has some sort of ungainly protrusion, or something, I want to smoothen it out and make everything even. Seamless. So at times, I break stuff because it seems uneven. At times, I just keep running my fingers over the uneven surface thinking that it will turn even, somehow. Maybe I'm some sort of weird Communist by nature. Maybe.

2. I like pushing buttons. I like chewing buttons. I like buttons. I used to listen to a Pussycat Dolls song which went by the name of "Buttons" because it had the word buttons in it. I like buttons. Buttons buttons buttons.

3. I like the Chinese. I like talking about the Chinese. I like saying Chinese for no reason at all. I often do so in the middle of conversations.

4. I hate normal conversations. I like to say stuff like "chinese" in the middle of them. I hate people who talk and talk and talk unless the people are me. I am also a hypocrite, but I know all about that already.

5. I hate talking about me. Its irritating.

6. I hate compliments with regard to myself. I hate them. I also am very suspicious of compliments.

So there. That was a tag. You're entertained, aren't you? Good. You should be.
I have to tag people. But I won't. I hate people. Unless they are people I like. So there.

Karan likes Lamb of God. I am scandalized.



Hyperactive maniac said...


Anonymous said...

do you mean PRC chinese or ROC chinese??? coz they both call themselves chinese, and get pissed if you mix them up. Seriously. And i don't really fancy shrimpy going thru the worst forms of chinese torture. And by that of course, i mean having to travel to beijing and just breathe in the lovely smoggy air, or eat the "rat and chicken same" fried rice "be a man hippie boy". Just a thought