Monday, October 20, 2008

Listen up people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, now this is pretty much the first time in ages that i've finally got the time and the energy to sit and write a much, much needed new post on my blog, so i figure, might as well clear up some stuff that's been annoying me for quite a while now, so listen up.
I've gotten sick and tired of people roaming about with all these stereotypes and misconceptions that they think are true, and of course, they truly are geniuses who know everything. To those people, STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no friggin idea as to what the hell you are talking about, so please, shut up and listen.
First of all, this goes out to all those jerks who keep railing on and on that i'm studying in the US and stuff and they're stuck back home, whining away and using it as an excuse to take a dig at me saying all sortsa nonsensical crap. FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've had enough of your nonsense. Fine, i'm studying here, and my parents are paying a lot of money for this, fine. But i had to work my fucking ass off to get here, and i have to work day and night to stay here.  Not to mention the fact that there's a lot of money riding on this, so the pressure is kinda mind numbing. While you jerks keep whining and bitching about me, lounging away in your college canteens, lazing away to glory, i'm out here, working like crazy into all hours of the night without a break, so shut up or fuck off!!!!!!!!! How about you folks take a little walk in my shoes, and then tell me if you still wanna whine away. Fine, i grant you its a helluva place, and certainly i'm lucky my parents have the money to make this possiblle for me. But try living under the constant pressure of knowing how much rides on you, that your parents are taking this big a risk, trusting you to succeed, knowing that this can make or break you. There are no KT's here, simply failure. There is no backup or fallback. Get it? I've had enough.

Now, moving onto a less sordid note, college life out here isnt like the american pie series, so please shove those inane, dumb questions of yours where the sun doesnt shine. Most engineering students lives around here primarily consist of 12-14 hour workdays, and by that i dont mean the kinda workday most folks in engg have back home, i.e., bunking lectures, sleeping in tuitions etc.
This is 12 hours of straight up mind numbing work. Not to mention extra projects, research and more homework on weekends. So please, next time you wanna ask me some dumb question in which u think the american pie movies are realistic, think again.

Third, all those dumb stereotypes you have up in your head??? You know the ones where u classify all college girls as sluts, blondes as dumb, guys as rednecks??????? Guess what! You might not believe this, but they're not really true. Yeah, you're actually wrong about something. Who woulda guessed it!!!!!!!!!!!! (P.S.: Me)

So yeah, next time you think i'm just partying away to glory out here, guess again. You probably party way more than me.
Although it is still pretty good out here, so balls to you!!!!!!!!!


FlowerPowerBoi said...


You still party more than me, bitch...


My holidays are 13 hour work days...


And you aren't that rich, so stop kidding yourself...



Anonymous said...

i already know that. tell that to the other jackasses