Sunday, November 09, 2008

An evening at rest

Finally, i come home after a gruelling 13 hour workday, trying to solve massive puzzles all day long for the Microsoft College Puzzle Challenge. Ended up placing 7th out of 24 at my Uni and 105th Nationwide. Not too shabby for a team that was put together just the evening before and went in without a clue. Sweet! So as i sit here in the balcony of my apartment, in the freezing cold signalling the start of winter, a glass of something nice and warming by my side, relishing the nip in the air, sipping at my glass as it warms my sore aching arms and legs, my mind starts to wander, noticing the sights and sounds around me. It's already past midnight, but for the people walking the streets, going from one party to another, its Saturday night and the evening's just begun. Loud drunken shouts across the street, people clearly wasted and yet going for more. There's a pretty cheery atmosphere all around this week, the weekend offering a respite from the continual battering of exams and classes, further aided by the much desired victory for Obama. While the all the hoopla of Obama's victory and being the first black president in American history may have died down, its effects are still visible, uplifting the mood everywhere, giving people another reason to party, not that people need one out here.
And i think, why not. After all, had Mc Cain won, most of us would have probably  been on the first flight outta here. I mean seriously, while Mc Cain himself was pretty bad, the real horror out there was Palin. She really scares me. 
But i digress, as i sit there all alone in my balcony, one roommate gone home for the weekend, while the other sits in his room carrying out his daily nightly ritual of playing Halo 3 on his Xbox, night after night, swearing out loud, i start realizing just how lonely it can get, and it hits me all over, no one to talk to at night, no one i can speak openly with on the most mundane of things, just to know that i'm not alone. But i can't, because now, i truly am alone out here.

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