Saturday, May 12, 2007

Politicians: Stop before You kill us

Politics: Related to the affairs of a government or public.
Supposed to be such a noble profession. Politicians like to call themselves the servants of the public.And there was once a time, when politicians were actually respected and actually were there to serve the people. Such a humbling phrase isn't it? Supposedly there in selfless service, for the good of the people and the country................
Unfortunately, in this day and age, politics has taken on a very gruesome and despicable meaning. Nowadays, politics is immediately related to corruption, power and all manner of such things.
To most people, politics is indeed a dirty word, and no self respecting honest individual would even want to consider a career in politics. Talking in the air am I?
Then would someone kindly explain to me, how someone who started out from a middle-class family, and in a career where the highest salary is Rs 30,000 a month winds up as a millionaire with acres of land, farmhouses and even private helicopters?
Or why is it that every single case related to corrupt politicians, is swept under the rug by the ruling government? Why is it that the extradition of Mr. Quattrochi was bungled up so?
Don't give me that nonsense about incompetence. That is something we are not. Simply because it would result in a major embarassment for the ruling party?
Why do we have murderers, dacoits, kidnappers running this country?
Why is it that the political prisoners live lives of luxury even in the strictest prisons?

There is not a single politician anywhere, without his or her own vested interests. No matter which country you go to, you will always find the same picture everywhere, each politician is indebted to some big corporation or the other, for it is they who pay the bills for these politicians. Decorum is a foreign language to them. Their behaviour is worse than that of hooligans. Throwing chairs around in parliament. This is not what we expect our leaders to be.
Each of them ready to screw the people in a heartbeat, if only to get a little extra money, or some greater power.
Cutting this country into pieces, simply because they do not want to let go of their seats of power. Dividing us, making us fight each other. Willingly letting this country burn, all because they cant get their asses off their chairs.

Such is the level of corruption in politics. No honest man would even go near it.

Will someone please hear me?
Tell those politicians up there what is happening down here. We don't want this dynastic rule of yours. Such incompetence has led this country to ruin. You aren't a royal family, this is a bloody republic. Our forefathers shed their blood for this freedom. They laid down their very lives, all so that we could live a better future, a free one.
And instead, we live in a time, when the tyrants are our own people. People who have taken this power for granted, thinking themselves to be kings and queens.
I have word for you. This power is not yours to keep.
It is ours to give, and ours to take.
Do not go too far. Mend your ways.
This country has had enough, suffered enough under you.
Let this be a warning to you, stop before you destroy us
You are leading us to destruction.
Do not think that we will sit and let you destroy us all
For that power was ours to give, and is ours to take.
Threaten us with destruction, and we will pull out those seats of power
from underneath you.
You have taken us for granted.
Correct this mistake, fast
For freedom is not free.
It has the highest of prices, a price to be paid in blood
We value it, do not try and take it away.
We will not stand it anymore.

1 comment:

Anushka said...

I bhery maach aagreee