Saturday, May 12, 2007

War...Lovely Beautiful War...

10:03pm: War...Lovely Beautiful War...
La Battaile - Odilon Redon

The above is a sketch done by French Symbolist artist Odilon Redon.
It depicts an on-going war.
Looking at it got me thinking and brought me to a conclusion which everyone at one point or another in their lives has least if they are not fantical zealots or people with extreme neurotic psychotic disorders or whatever it is that people have...
The fact that war is pointless and stupid and tragic...
I really wanted to say a lot about it, but pictures speak louder than words...ah...beautiful war...

Children in an Iraqui street



What is the point of it all ? I mean is "my country can kick your ass" worth all the tragedy ?
Is a peice of land worth all the innocent lives that are lost ?
Is the blood spilt really worth all the oil in the world ?
Is power over people so bloody important that a hundred thousand lives be taken for it ?
And then what...a broken state to have under your control ?
Is the establishment of superiority of your race or religion or whatever really worth the killings ?
Does it make you superior to anyone when you kill innocents ?
I really dont think so...I dont know about you...I really dont...
And now I've talked about it...
And now you've read about it...
And still the wars will go on...we all know in our deepest minds how futile it is and how utterly stupid we are to support it, but the wars will still go on and innocents will still die and there will be others like me who will talk about the stupidity of it all and others who will read but the wars wont stop...
Ah...beautiful war...

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