Friday, May 11, 2007

Logic, Common Sense & the Heart

Logic & Common Sense. The Oxford English Dictionary defines these as good reasoning and good sense respectively. These 2 things, are something we take seemingly for granted, but going by the state of things at present, is seriously lacking. To borrow a phrase, common sense is not so common. Indeed, it is possibly rarer than a live dinosaur these days.
If common sense were available in the market, I would gladly go and buy some for all these so called world leaders, who are blindly leading our world to destruction, all for the sake of some profits. Ignoring the perils our planet faces as they march blindly towards destruction. Into the very mouth of death they march.
Indeed, it takes only the merest bit of logical thinking and common sense to realize that unless something is done soon, we are done for. The time for small measures is long past. Now is the time for drastic action. Please use some common sense, and if you don't have any, borrow some from others, coz just because u're the leader, doesn't mean that you are the smartest ones around. If you were the smartest ones around, this planet would have been a far different place.
But enough of that, they shall get their due later, now back to the topic at hand.
Logic and Common Sense are qualities that separate us from most other animals. For it is our ability to reason logically that makes us such powerful creatures. Our strongest power lies in our brain, not in our physical strength or anything of that sort, for there are creatures far stronger than us around.
But now, even a computer can be programmed to reason logically. Common sense on the other hand, heck, most people don't even have it, so teaching common sense to computers is quite out of the question. Common sense is nonetheless a vague term, for it can have multiple meanings, for what makes sense to one person, may not make sense to another.
It is here where the heart comes into play. Logic & Common sense are all well and good, but without the heart and morals, they will surely lead us to destruction, for we humans have this old habit of ignoring common sense, remaining blind to the things that stare us in the face, even as they come n bite us in the behind, we remain ignorant. Unfortunately, this is an old failing of ours, one that several generations n dynasties of leaders, especially in recent times have failed to overcome.
Let not progress be made blindly, but instead, let it be guided by the heart. For while our minds may lead us astray, our heart and conscience see more clearly than our eyes ever can.
And this applies not only to progress, but to our everyday lives as well.
Indeed, take away a mans ability to reason logically, to think out n apply logic, and what will remain is a raving lunatic.
I too, like to think of myself as a logical thinker, though the part about common sense is open to judgement. To me, my greatest strength is the ability to think logically, for without it, i would be driven insane. I remember times when I was undergoing some medical tests, and during a CT scan, all i could see was the white of the machine surrounding me. This coupled with a continuous humming noise and a lack of sleep drove me to the edge.
At times however, one must occasionally overcome logic and common sense, and listen to ones heart, if one is to achieve the impossible. For logic and common sense are continuously learning and evolving, but the heart already knows everything it needs to know.
The same goes for me. I too have ignored normal logic and common sense, in my pursuit for the impossible. For while common sense tells me it is impossible, my heart tells me that impossible is only that which we have not yet achieved. My heart tells me that i have nothing to lose now, but my heart itself, and better to try and fail, than spend the rest of my life wondering what would have happened had i tried.
Why is it that some people remain so obviously blind to logic, common sense and their hearts?
Why is it that for the sake of a few dollars, people are willing to lead this planet down the path to destruction?
On the other hand, we are but humans, and can only hope to learn from our mistakes. To use logic to realize what we are doing wrong. Use common sense to see the obvious. And let our heart guide us down the right path.
Occasionally, we must also remember, to let our heart override our logic and common sense, for unless we do so, we can never achieve the impossible.
So, i end this post with these parting words:
Logic, Common Sense & our Hearts....... These are our greatest strengths, God gave us these, for he knew that if we used these properly, mankind would flourish. We only have to use them properly and quickly, before it becomes too late.
And lastly,
The Impossible is simply that which has not yet been achieved.

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