Saturday, May 12, 2007

Why do we fight each other so?

Someone tell me please,
Why do we fight each other so?
Killing each other in cold blood,
Breaking bones, shattering lives
Wreaking havoc all over this planet of ours
Fighting wars, shooting people, destroying it all
All for the sake of a few petty things?

Gang wars in every country
Drive by shootings occurring daily,
Innocents shot down for no fault of their own
All because some people let their egos clash?
Why are we killing each other like this?

People launching wars for the flimsiest of reasons,
Why Mr GB? Why Mr TB?
This is not some game you play,
With missiles, guns, and other peoples lives
Wanna play?
Take an AK 47 n go do it urself
Don't send some soldier out there to fight your war for you
This isn't his war, this is your bruised ego's war
Grow Up.

Why do we spill blood so?
Over petty disputes, the stupidest of reasons?
Be it a piece of land or the right to water from a river
This is not our land to fight over
It is our land to protect and share

We all have to live on this small planet
Realize that quickly,
Before You destroy us all
Trying to nurse your dumb li'l ego's
Enough already people

How many more do you want to kill?
How many more do you want to maim?
How many more do you want 2 make orphans?
How the heck did u get elected in d first place?

Why do we fight so much?
Aren't we all really the same?
Please someone tell me
When will this end?
This mindless violence, this insanity of ours

Someone please help me
Someone please stop this
We can't take this much longer
This planet has had enough
Please, stop it quickly
Before you kill us all

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