Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Such strange creatures we are. Indeed, at times, strong and resilient, able to weather any problem. And at times, so utterly fragile, that all it takes is a single crack, and we are no more.

There are several ways to destroy a person. You can kill him, maim him, destroy him financially, ruin his career, there are an infinite no of ways to do so, limited only by the twistedness of one's imagination.
Most people would say that the best way to destroy a person would be to kill him off. Finish him off for once and for all. But, what do you do, when a person has come to accept death as a matter of course, and is no longer afraid of it? For when we seek to destroy a person, it is not so much as to get rid of him as it is to see that fear, to utterly and completely destroy him.
That is when you realize, that there is a far more evil way to destroy a person. And this is indeed one of the cruelest ways to do it, for it can destroy a mans will to live. It can shatter him forever, leaving him but a shadow of his own self.
For that, all you have to do, is give that man hope.
Give him the hope to achieve his greatest dreams. Give him hope to get whatever he wants. Better yet, give him hope to achieve the impossible. Let him think that he is able to do it on his own. Such mad, wild hope, something that should clearly strike us as being impossible, but then again, we are humans after all, such gullible creatures......
Eager to believe that we can achieve the impossible.
Let that person touch it, feel it. Let him feel that the dream is as good as achieved. And then, when he is within touching distance of it, when he is about to take the last step to achieve it,
Take it away. Yank away his hope. Take it away so fast that he doesn't realize what hit him.
For when you achieve that, you will have broken him completely.
For he will have lost his will. He will no longer dare to dream, having realized the disasters that await him, he will let go of it all, becoming a mere vegetable, going about like a mere vegetable with legs.
When you do that, you will have truly destroyed that person.


Feline Dreamcatcher said...

wow... a lot of pain there i see... wheres all this comin from...

Anonymous said...

no idea........... this is d time i start 2 go crazy............ jus comes out from somewhere inside dat rusted tin can atop my neck

FlowerPowerBoi said...

Funkie monkie!!!

You are a sadist...
