Saturday, May 12, 2007

The City Of Dreams

2:53pm: The City Of Dreams

The pink sky was slowly turning dark purple as the sun went hiding his face behind the mountains which encircled his city. His city...
A great city teeming with people and smells and animals and things...a city where no one really knows who or what the next person is...where a thousand personalities live inside a single person or a single personality inside of a thousand people...where a riot breaks out in a second on political convictions or difference in race in religion...where people fight for water and little holes that they can call "home"...where a million people arrive from thousands of places just for the realization of a dream only to find out that the dreams have already been bought and that the only new ones that await for them are dreams of a real single room apartment and two square meals a day...where the rich and the poor and the people in the middle are all bitter and unsatisfied and want to be richer or poorer or dead...
His City...
A mass of people and emotions each more diverse than the other and yet all milling about in a single container like a cocktail made from the finest liquor and the cheapest country liquor…
A mighty city where power is held only by the weakest of all men…the kind that bow down to the first temptation they can find…
A beautiful city where the tall skyscrapers reaching into the sky are surrounded by dogs and beggars and dirt…

Where every street lane marks the beginning of something and every corner marks the end of it…

Where bodies and ideas are sold two-a-penny…

Where the living never sleep and nobody cares about the dead…

Where the fire never burns out and the fuel is always not enough…

It is a beautiful city…

His city…

A city where millions still hope for a better life and millions do nothing for it…

A city where thousands live and die and weep and cry all trying to survive somehow…

A city where the rain always wets the streets but never cleanses them…

A city where the winds only blow near the highest rooftops carrying messages to a god that exists somewhere…maybe…

A city where millions have lived and died and dreamed and cried and held on until they have nothing in them but a hope that somehow survives like a candle in a storm…

A resilient hope that enables them to survive…

A most beautiful city…

His City…

And he slowly turned his head towards the dying sun as it set itself behind the mountains…

And then he closed his eyes as he turned back to the city…

It was the same everyday...
His hope would rise with the sun and with the night it would almost die…
Only one thought remaining in his mind…
The fact that he would die when the sun never came up and that he knew that he never wanted it to…
And he walks back to his city, the city where he exists and the city that has defined him…
The city that gave him his identity and the one that took it away…
He loves the city and he hates it…

His City…………


Unknown said...

all i can say after reading your "WHOLE" blog (and dude, ive never, N-E-V-E-R, read so much at once)..... alll i cn say is.... dude... u really want to be an engineer...???

ps. virginia, war and the daily adv... were seriously good...

FlowerPowerBoi said...



*Takes graceful bow*

And I'm not gonna be an engineer...


Anonymous said...

one of us does, d other doesnt