Monday, November 12, 2007

Of Clowns and Jokers Other stuff which I'll think of by the time this is complete...

People joke about everything... And at times, it makes sense to do so. After all, when one lives in a world where you are supposed to be free, and still you can't do all that you want to, you make jokes. The thing is, I've never seen people make too many jokes about jokers. Maybe its because the jokers make jokes on themselves, on others and make the people forget. Or maybe its because most jokers are wise and keep silent except when they joke. And jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously... Anyhow, I read this joke about a joker...

I stole it from this comic book called The Watchmen...

Read the comic book if you are one for comic books...

This is how the joke went :

Man goes to the doctor. Says he's depressed, life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world, where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "The treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go see him, that should pick you up." The man bursts into tears and says, "Doctor, I am Pagliacci..."

Funny, eh?

Now, moving on to other things...

Bob Dylan is The Man...

Yes he is...

And thats all folks!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Never thought things could get this bad,
Deep down, i always knew,
That things would be different,
That there would be some loneliness...
But never in my scariest nightmares had i imagined,
That it could get this bad.
Nothings really changed as such.,
Except that its gotten inside my head now.....
Spreading slowly at first,
Faster and faster now.....
Clawing at me,
Eating away at my insides.........
Taking over me, little by little
Driving me crazy...........
Its too much to handle,
This time, no one can help me
So many want to,
But i doubt if anyone can...
For this is unlike anything i've ever faced before
Nothings ever hit me this hard before
From so many different directions..
Each time i try and stop it,
It comes in from another place...
Crippling me,
Driving me crazy,
Over the edge
I cant take it anymore,
But it just doest stop
Ruthlessly, going on and on,
Blinding me, this pain that i feel,
Deep down inside,
I cant fight it,
It wont let me give up.
So i have to keep fighting it,
No matter the cost,
Because, even though i keep losing,
I have no other choice.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hope and what-not.

I have never understood what life is. Not that I haven't tried, but then I have not reached the pinnacle of comprehension. There are glimpses of it that I have caught, that have at times spurred me on to try and understand it and at times have disgusted me enough to want to stop trying. But then, I have never stopped trying to understand life. We speak about the purpose of life and much like that, but none have actually defined what that purpose is. It may be so, since the purpose is subjective to people. But then, there must be something general, something that connects us all. I don't say it is god, I don't think there is one. But there are similarities in folk-lore, in religion, in language, in culture which speak of a common presence. Maybe it was the way man evolved that was the same, maybe it was something else. But something does connect us. I know not what it is...

Maybe the purpose of life is self-eliminating. Once it is found, it will not let life to exist. Maybe that is what death is. The attainment or understanding of this purpose... Or maybe it isn't... I know not, again...

But this is not what I want to write about. Death, I have not experienced and if I had, I would not be able to write about it. And life, I have lived too little.

Yeah, whatever...

What I really want to talk about is hope. Hope, is one hell of a thing. Yes. It gives you wings, rebuilds your bridges and fills up your vats with milk and honey and sunlight and star-shine.
And it makes you feel that that, which you are hoping for, could be real...
Hope is, amazingly, insanely liberating. The only problem with it is, that is shows you what could be real and not that which is. And when you succumb to hope, you start to live in the world that could be instead of the world that is. And then comes the rude awakening, and it all ends. Hope, is like a kick in the nuts.
(yes, pardon me, I am sexist, but it isn't my fault that only males have nuts which hurt on being kicked at. Yes, I know how it feels being kicked there and no, I will not tell you about it ever.)
Only its like a kick in the nuts by, lets say, Jessica Alba after she strips halfway for you. (yes, I am also a pervert... so sue me!)

You know what is insane about life? Its full of hopes...
So its like a series of kicks in the nuts. I suppose that is why most people end up getting all impotent and useless by the time they reach 40.

But then there are other parts of life too, choices and decisions and what-not. They are important. Maybe thats why people go on living lives...

Ah well, who knows...

Among other things, I succumbed to a hope again. The kick will come soon. Don't know why I did it this time. I haven't hoped for a lot in all my 18 grand years. Haven't left much of a doorway for any hope to filter through. Ended things with a finality, that at times, surprised me. Did so again, but can't help hoping for it to come back...

Of all the things that Pandora released from her stupid box, I'd say hope was the worst...

Lets all hope that she doesn't do something that dumb again...


Sunday, September 02, 2007

Late at Night on the Quad

Late at night on the quad,
Sitting on the cool stone steps;
Contemplating what the future hold for me,
A cup of hot coffee by my side,
Sipping at it slowly as i lie there,
Relishing the sweet taste of chocolate in the coffee;
Mingling with the mint n spice of chillies;
Tingling my senses, awakening me to the night.
A cool breeze blowing around me,
The cold air flowing gently over my skin,
The smell of freshly watered grass lingering in the night,
As sprays of water arc through the air.
I sit there in the cool night,
Feeling the cold stone against me,
As i look up at the dark night sky.
Wondering what lies ahead of me,
Pondering my fate, my hopes and dreams;
As i contemplate what i have left behind,
What i will find when i go back,
What must be done;
For there are some things that i have to do,
Things that i let go too long;
Thats what i did;
Pondering my future,
Late at Night on the Quad

Sunday, August 12, 2007

My current abt me. Enjoy!!!!!

Losing my Head, Its 2 much 2 take!!!!!!!!!!!
Losing my head,
Losing my heart.
Think i left them both back home.
For each nite i feel a deep pain,
An aching, a longing,
where my heart used 2 be.
Memories running thru my brain.
Images and sounds,
Thoughts and words
Feelings and emotions
Overwhelming me.
Creating a desire,
For something i left far behind me.
It tore me apart to leave,
It still tears me to have done so
I did it coz it had 2 b done.
But that does not make it any easier
For that was indeed a hard step
One i may have not been suited to take
It is at times like these,
That such feelings and emotions
Such close relationships n feelings,
Can become a burden,
Painful and heavy,
Tis at times like these, that i feel
That i was better off alone
For then perhaps,
I wouldnt have to feel,
Such a great pain in my heart,
Or rather, where it once was
For i seem to have left it back home.
But then i realize,
The moments that i have gotten,
The pure joy and companionship,
That those relationships provided
Are worth all the gold in the world.
This pain and heartache,
Is but a small price to pay
For having had the sheer luck
Of having found people such as these.
But all i ask is this,
Help me plz, coz this heartache is pretty bad.
This longing for all that i've left behind,
So much of it my own,
And some of it not,
Which i need so badly.
It is that which keeps me going
For deep down within me,
I know, that i shall return
To all that i have left behind
For there is still unfinished business
Work to be done,
I have to do some things,
Make certain things mine.
Take back what i lost,
Especially my heart,
for i need it back
Before i can call it a day.
And so i must push on
Through this longing, for each new day
Brings me one step closer 2 destiny
One step closer to where i hafta be
Struggling 2 cope wid it,
But pushing on nonetheless,
For at the end of the tunnel lies hope
Hope for all that i have dreamed of
All that i have wanted.
And so labour on i must,
For i've lost my heart and my mind.
Think i left them back home somewhere.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Why do we always chase the ones that run away?

What is it about us humans, that makes us always run after, the prey that runs away. The lengths that we go to, the amount of trouble that we endure, simply to catch, the one that runs away.
Why is it so? Why do we so madly chase, the ones that we know, that we simply cannot have?
There are ample choices in front of us, and any would be far easier, that the prey we hunt. Even the simplest predator stalking his prey, is smart enough to realize this. But we humans have always been foolish in this regard, i guess its one of lifes mysteries, the answer 2 which we may never know. But in case you do find out, do lemme kno. Coz its drivin me insane, n i cant take it nemore!!!!!!!

Loneliness in the land of the big M

Alone in the Land of the Big M
Surrounded by beauty, yet finding it unappealing,
For there is a longing deep down inside of me,
A longing for that which i have left behind.
Each day I grow more detached from it,
But not really letting go,
Coz letting go is not something that i can do.
Its simply 2 much 2 forget about

Saturday, June 16, 2007



So we're on 101!!

That is, 101 people have actually read this blog...

I'm happy...

It could have been more...

Those about me's, may have driven a few off, but I won't complain...

We only need around a million more subscribers, and we'll be a Blog of Note...


You'd better work on it man!!

My PR skills suck anyway...

This is an utterly random post...

My wine is red!!


I rewl!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Next Abt Me

hey people, here's my latest abt me
Walking away, Leavin it all behind.......

With each new day comes a feeling,
a mixture of joy and sadness both,
For each morning,
i am one step closer,
to leaving it all behind,
All that i've known my entire life.
Everything that is familiar to me,
All that is near and dear,
as well as the problems n mistakes,
the foolishness and heartbreaks,
But then i wonder,
can i really leave it all behind?
For while i may be leaving behind,
those people that i know and love,
the ones who have cared about me,
and the ones who haven't,
can i really leave behind all those emotions?
Those feelings of joy and elation,
those feelings of despair& heartache
For deep down i know,
I will always carry with me,
These memories, every single one,
The times i've laughed,
and the times i've cried,
For these memories will always be, firmly engraved in my mind n heart.
I have just 1 last desire,
to set things straight,
to clean up the mess thats been made
I cant do it alone though,
I've tried to do it, and failed....
But try again i will, i must
For there is no other way,
In such things, i stand alone,
Trying to break down this wall,
Battering at it to no avail,
Knowing full well,
That its useless,
That it will not fall,
But then, try i must...
For even if it doesnt fall,
At least i have tried,
I have given it my best,
People say its not worth it,
That its never gonna happen,
But then, I have nothing to lose
And if i'd kept listening,
To people telling me,
that somethings never gonna happen,
I wouldn't be here now,
I wouldn't be going away either.
For the future brings new opportunities,
New dreams and chances,
New hopes, wild hopes......
But quite real nonetheless
But then again, there are somethings
I dont wanna leave behind,
at least not unfinished,
I wanna set things right,
Make amends, clear it all up,
I can't do it alone though,
Help me if u can,
Either way, i have chosen my path
And it is a path i must follow,
Tis better to live a life knowing full well wat has happened,
Its easier to live with failure,
than to spend one's life pondering,
What could have happened...........
I have done various things till now,
But i have always tried,
To live life with no regrets,
And thats what i'm gonna keep doing,
And this, is something
I've simply gotta do

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Politicians: Stop before You kill us

Politics: Related to the affairs of a government or public.
Supposed to be such a noble profession. Politicians like to call themselves the servants of the public.And there was once a time, when politicians were actually respected and actually were there to serve the people. Such a humbling phrase isn't it? Supposedly there in selfless service, for the good of the people and the country................
Unfortunately, in this day and age, politics has taken on a very gruesome and despicable meaning. Nowadays, politics is immediately related to corruption, power and all manner of such things.
To most people, politics is indeed a dirty word, and no self respecting honest individual would even want to consider a career in politics. Talking in the air am I?
Then would someone kindly explain to me, how someone who started out from a middle-class family, and in a career where the highest salary is Rs 30,000 a month winds up as a millionaire with acres of land, farmhouses and even private helicopters?
Or why is it that every single case related to corrupt politicians, is swept under the rug by the ruling government? Why is it that the extradition of Mr. Quattrochi was bungled up so?
Don't give me that nonsense about incompetence. That is something we are not. Simply because it would result in a major embarassment for the ruling party?
Why do we have murderers, dacoits, kidnappers running this country?
Why is it that the political prisoners live lives of luxury even in the strictest prisons?

There is not a single politician anywhere, without his or her own vested interests. No matter which country you go to, you will always find the same picture everywhere, each politician is indebted to some big corporation or the other, for it is they who pay the bills for these politicians. Decorum is a foreign language to them. Their behaviour is worse than that of hooligans. Throwing chairs around in parliament. This is not what we expect our leaders to be.
Each of them ready to screw the people in a heartbeat, if only to get a little extra money, or some greater power.
Cutting this country into pieces, simply because they do not want to let go of their seats of power. Dividing us, making us fight each other. Willingly letting this country burn, all because they cant get their asses off their chairs.

Such is the level of corruption in politics. No honest man would even go near it.

Will someone please hear me?
Tell those politicians up there what is happening down here. We don't want this dynastic rule of yours. Such incompetence has led this country to ruin. You aren't a royal family, this is a bloody republic. Our forefathers shed their blood for this freedom. They laid down their very lives, all so that we could live a better future, a free one.
And instead, we live in a time, when the tyrants are our own people. People who have taken this power for granted, thinking themselves to be kings and queens.
I have word for you. This power is not yours to keep.
It is ours to give, and ours to take.
Do not go too far. Mend your ways.
This country has had enough, suffered enough under you.
Let this be a warning to you, stop before you destroy us
You are leading us to destruction.
Do not think that we will sit and let you destroy us all
For that power was ours to give, and is ours to take.
Threaten us with destruction, and we will pull out those seats of power
from underneath you.
You have taken us for granted.
Correct this mistake, fast
For freedom is not free.
It has the highest of prices, a price to be paid in blood
We value it, do not try and take it away.
We will not stand it anymore.

I have RIGHTS !!!

"Hello children", said the teacher.
"How are we today ?"

The children answered, "We're confused..."

"What about ?", asked the teacher.

"Freedom and Rights, Sir. "

"Well, what's there to be confused about ? Its really simple. Here, I'll lay down the rules for you", said he.

And these were the rules which he set down, for he was the First of The Teachers.

And the children were the First Citizens, the ones who control the world now...

Here are the rules :

We live in a free country...
There is freedom of speech and expression...

We have rights and we will use them...

We will protest and we will burn effigies...

We will shout slogans and we will burn people...

We will kill people and cause strikes...

We will defame people and stone them to death...

We will kill people if they are not of our religion and if they offend our sentiments, irrespective of whether they are right or wrong.

We will destroy houses if we are not happy with someone.

We will fight fire with fire and burn the house down.

We will fight wars and we will pillage countries for oil and for land.

We will burn down houses and we will plant bombs.

We will kill people for no reason at all.

We will manufacture orphans among other stuff.

We will lie blatantly and will deny everything that is true.

"In short, children", said the Teacher,"we will do everything, except the 'right' thing".

And he winked slyly at them.

Unfortunately, some of the girls in class thought that this was a rude thing to do, and so the students slit his throat, brutally murdering him.

After all, they had a right.

Why do we fight each other so?

Someone tell me please,
Why do we fight each other so?
Killing each other in cold blood,
Breaking bones, shattering lives
Wreaking havoc all over this planet of ours
Fighting wars, shooting people, destroying it all
All for the sake of a few petty things?

Gang wars in every country
Drive by shootings occurring daily,
Innocents shot down for no fault of their own
All because some people let their egos clash?
Why are we killing each other like this?

People launching wars for the flimsiest of reasons,
Why Mr GB? Why Mr TB?
This is not some game you play,
With missiles, guns, and other peoples lives
Wanna play?
Take an AK 47 n go do it urself
Don't send some soldier out there to fight your war for you
This isn't his war, this is your bruised ego's war
Grow Up.

Why do we spill blood so?
Over petty disputes, the stupidest of reasons?
Be it a piece of land or the right to water from a river
This is not our land to fight over
It is our land to protect and share

We all have to live on this small planet
Realize that quickly,
Before You destroy us all
Trying to nurse your dumb li'l ego's
Enough already people

How many more do you want to kill?
How many more do you want to maim?
How many more do you want 2 make orphans?
How the heck did u get elected in d first place?

Why do we fight so much?
Aren't we all really the same?
Please someone tell me
When will this end?
This mindless violence, this insanity of ours

Someone please help me
Someone please stop this
We can't take this much longer
This planet has had enough
Please, stop it quickly
Before you kill us all

Virginia Tech


Here we go again...

Another "Virginia Tech Shootout was a Pointless, Random Act of Violence which should never have happened" blog post...

A couple of million others exist, but that ain't stopping me...
I want my share of the glory...
I'm just commercializing on it...
Maybe someone will google for info about the story and my name will pop up...
Maybe more people will start reading my blog...
Whatever, I don't really care...

If a few million can glorify themselves and tell everyone how pure and beautiful their thoughts are just by writing about random acts of senseless violence, why can't I ?

If a few million can say that expressing solidarity for a bunch of dead people who didn't even mean shit to them makes them morally superior, then I want to be morally superior...

I really don't want to stand against the crowd...

I want everyone to know, that even though I may be a wife beater, I have a heart, and that it reaches out for all those dead people...

I want everyone to know, that even though I have never really 'lost' someone, I can 'feel' for them and that I sympathize with them...

That sympathy also shows that I have finer feelings and that I am a beautiful individual...

I even made a card to show I care...

And, I posted online...

That's good, isn't it ?

I think it is...

Possibly, I will be rewarded in heaven for this...

Look, a social networking website...

I made a community that expresses condolences and prays for the well being of the dead people's souls...
Aren't I clever ?

Bloody useless pieces of shit...

I hate the world...

In case, the post hurt anyone's feelings and shit, I'm glad it did...

I really hate the world...

War...Lovely Beautiful War...

10:03pm: War...Lovely Beautiful War...
La Battaile - Odilon Redon

The above is a sketch done by French Symbolist artist Odilon Redon.
It depicts an on-going war.
Looking at it got me thinking and brought me to a conclusion which everyone at one point or another in their lives has least if they are not fantical zealots or people with extreme neurotic psychotic disorders or whatever it is that people have...
The fact that war is pointless and stupid and tragic...
I really wanted to say a lot about it, but pictures speak louder than words...ah...beautiful war...

Children in an Iraqui street



What is the point of it all ? I mean is "my country can kick your ass" worth all the tragedy ?
Is a peice of land worth all the innocent lives that are lost ?
Is the blood spilt really worth all the oil in the world ?
Is power over people so bloody important that a hundred thousand lives be taken for it ?
And then what...a broken state to have under your control ?
Is the establishment of superiority of your race or religion or whatever really worth the killings ?
Does it make you superior to anyone when you kill innocents ?
I really dont think so...I dont know about you...I really dont...
And now I've talked about it...
And now you've read about it...
And still the wars will go on...we all know in our deepest minds how futile it is and how utterly stupid we are to support it, but the wars will still go on and innocents will still die and there will be others like me who will talk about the stupidity of it all and others who will read but the wars wont stop...
Ah...beautiful war...

The City Of Dreams

2:53pm: The City Of Dreams

The pink sky was slowly turning dark purple as the sun went hiding his face behind the mountains which encircled his city. His city...
A great city teeming with people and smells and animals and things...a city where no one really knows who or what the next person is...where a thousand personalities live inside a single person or a single personality inside of a thousand people...where a riot breaks out in a second on political convictions or difference in race in religion...where people fight for water and little holes that they can call "home"...where a million people arrive from thousands of places just for the realization of a dream only to find out that the dreams have already been bought and that the only new ones that await for them are dreams of a real single room apartment and two square meals a day...where the rich and the poor and the people in the middle are all bitter and unsatisfied and want to be richer or poorer or dead...
His City...
A mass of people and emotions each more diverse than the other and yet all milling about in a single container like a cocktail made from the finest liquor and the cheapest country liquor…
A mighty city where power is held only by the weakest of all men…the kind that bow down to the first temptation they can find…
A beautiful city where the tall skyscrapers reaching into the sky are surrounded by dogs and beggars and dirt…

Where every street lane marks the beginning of something and every corner marks the end of it…

Where bodies and ideas are sold two-a-penny…

Where the living never sleep and nobody cares about the dead…

Where the fire never burns out and the fuel is always not enough…

It is a beautiful city…

His city…

A city where millions still hope for a better life and millions do nothing for it…

A city where thousands live and die and weep and cry all trying to survive somehow…

A city where the rain always wets the streets but never cleanses them…

A city where the winds only blow near the highest rooftops carrying messages to a god that exists somewhere…maybe…

A city where millions have lived and died and dreamed and cried and held on until they have nothing in them but a hope that somehow survives like a candle in a storm…

A resilient hope that enables them to survive…

A most beautiful city…

His City…

And he slowly turned his head towards the dying sun as it set itself behind the mountains…

And then he closed his eyes as he turned back to the city…

It was the same everyday...
His hope would rise with the sun and with the night it would almost die…
Only one thought remaining in his mind…
The fact that he would die when the sun never came up and that he knew that he never wanted it to…
And he walks back to his city, the city where he exists and the city that has defined him…
The city that gave him his identity and the one that took it away…
He loves the city and he hates it…

His City…………

Friday, May 11, 2007

Logic, Common Sense & the Heart

Logic & Common Sense. The Oxford English Dictionary defines these as good reasoning and good sense respectively. These 2 things, are something we take seemingly for granted, but going by the state of things at present, is seriously lacking. To borrow a phrase, common sense is not so common. Indeed, it is possibly rarer than a live dinosaur these days.
If common sense were available in the market, I would gladly go and buy some for all these so called world leaders, who are blindly leading our world to destruction, all for the sake of some profits. Ignoring the perils our planet faces as they march blindly towards destruction. Into the very mouth of death they march.
Indeed, it takes only the merest bit of logical thinking and common sense to realize that unless something is done soon, we are done for. The time for small measures is long past. Now is the time for drastic action. Please use some common sense, and if you don't have any, borrow some from others, coz just because u're the leader, doesn't mean that you are the smartest ones around. If you were the smartest ones around, this planet would have been a far different place.
But enough of that, they shall get their due later, now back to the topic at hand.
Logic and Common Sense are qualities that separate us from most other animals. For it is our ability to reason logically that makes us such powerful creatures. Our strongest power lies in our brain, not in our physical strength or anything of that sort, for there are creatures far stronger than us around.
But now, even a computer can be programmed to reason logically. Common sense on the other hand, heck, most people don't even have it, so teaching common sense to computers is quite out of the question. Common sense is nonetheless a vague term, for it can have multiple meanings, for what makes sense to one person, may not make sense to another.
It is here where the heart comes into play. Logic & Common sense are all well and good, but without the heart and morals, they will surely lead us to destruction, for we humans have this old habit of ignoring common sense, remaining blind to the things that stare us in the face, even as they come n bite us in the behind, we remain ignorant. Unfortunately, this is an old failing of ours, one that several generations n dynasties of leaders, especially in recent times have failed to overcome.
Let not progress be made blindly, but instead, let it be guided by the heart. For while our minds may lead us astray, our heart and conscience see more clearly than our eyes ever can.
And this applies not only to progress, but to our everyday lives as well.
Indeed, take away a mans ability to reason logically, to think out n apply logic, and what will remain is a raving lunatic.
I too, like to think of myself as a logical thinker, though the part about common sense is open to judgement. To me, my greatest strength is the ability to think logically, for without it, i would be driven insane. I remember times when I was undergoing some medical tests, and during a CT scan, all i could see was the white of the machine surrounding me. This coupled with a continuous humming noise and a lack of sleep drove me to the edge.
At times however, one must occasionally overcome logic and common sense, and listen to ones heart, if one is to achieve the impossible. For logic and common sense are continuously learning and evolving, but the heart already knows everything it needs to know.
The same goes for me. I too have ignored normal logic and common sense, in my pursuit for the impossible. For while common sense tells me it is impossible, my heart tells me that impossible is only that which we have not yet achieved. My heart tells me that i have nothing to lose now, but my heart itself, and better to try and fail, than spend the rest of my life wondering what would have happened had i tried.
Why is it that some people remain so obviously blind to logic, common sense and their hearts?
Why is it that for the sake of a few dollars, people are willing to lead this planet down the path to destruction?
On the other hand, we are but humans, and can only hope to learn from our mistakes. To use logic to realize what we are doing wrong. Use common sense to see the obvious. And let our heart guide us down the right path.
Occasionally, we must also remember, to let our heart override our logic and common sense, for unless we do so, we can never achieve the impossible.
So, i end this post with these parting words:
Logic, Common Sense & our Hearts....... These are our greatest strengths, God gave us these, for he knew that if we used these properly, mankind would flourish. We only have to use them properly and quickly, before it becomes too late.
And lastly,
The Impossible is simply that which has not yet been achieved.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Such strange creatures we are. Indeed, at times, strong and resilient, able to weather any problem. And at times, so utterly fragile, that all it takes is a single crack, and we are no more.

There are several ways to destroy a person. You can kill him, maim him, destroy him financially, ruin his career, there are an infinite no of ways to do so, limited only by the twistedness of one's imagination.
Most people would say that the best way to destroy a person would be to kill him off. Finish him off for once and for all. But, what do you do, when a person has come to accept death as a matter of course, and is no longer afraid of it? For when we seek to destroy a person, it is not so much as to get rid of him as it is to see that fear, to utterly and completely destroy him.
That is when you realize, that there is a far more evil way to destroy a person. And this is indeed one of the cruelest ways to do it, for it can destroy a mans will to live. It can shatter him forever, leaving him but a shadow of his own self.
For that, all you have to do, is give that man hope.
Give him the hope to achieve his greatest dreams. Give him hope to get whatever he wants. Better yet, give him hope to achieve the impossible. Let him think that he is able to do it on his own. Such mad, wild hope, something that should clearly strike us as being impossible, but then again, we are humans after all, such gullible creatures......
Eager to believe that we can achieve the impossible.
Let that person touch it, feel it. Let him feel that the dream is as good as achieved. And then, when he is within touching distance of it, when he is about to take the last step to achieve it,
Take it away. Yank away his hope. Take it away so fast that he doesn't realize what hit him.
For when you achieve that, you will have broken him completely.
For he will have lost his will. He will no longer dare to dream, having realized the disasters that await him, he will let go of it all, becoming a mere vegetable, going about like a mere vegetable with legs.
When you do that, you will have truly destroyed that person.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

New Thread for advice, comments and anything else You might want

Hey people, i've started this thread for all ur requests, suggestions, etc......... related to any topic whatsoever............. got d idea from a frnds blog........ AJ u rule..................

neways, dats d gist of it, so whatever u want, plz post it in d comments

Bak in Hell n takin Over

here's my 2nd abt me, d current one at d time of going 2 print...........

Bak in Hell n takin Over
Like i said,
Watch out people,
I'm back,
Darker n more twisted than ever,
Lucifer, u cant run pal,
Satan's mild compared to me,
I got pushed too far,
Alone in here, inside my head,
Was left alone for too long
All that darkness inside me,
Boiling, fermenting, mutating
Becoming something i never wanted 2b
Too late now, i'm outta control
On a rampage, burning up....
An empty mind is d devils workshop,
But he got scared when he saw mine
Coz he saw something,
That even he couldn't handle.......
I've had enough of this shit,
Held back for too long,
Left alone, seething in the darkness,
Something had 2 give,.........
n collapse it did,
no more sitting still,
I aint gonna take ne more of this
coz i'm back,
darker, sadistic n twisted as ever,
U cant stop me now,
No one can
I didnt want it 2 be this way,
But I was alone 2 long,
Nothing to do but seeth n ferment,
Mutating from frustration into something else
Run all u want
Satan, be afraid,
There's a new devil in town
Coz once again,
I'm back at the Gates Of Hell
And this time,
I'M TAKING OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gates Of Hell

Hey people, here's my 1st abt me......... plz post ur comments abt this n d previous posts

Gates Of Hell

I've had more than i can take

Stretched to the breakin point

Been messed about with too much

Dunno how much longer i'll last

Enough of this nonsene

I cant take it anymore

Got a problem wid me?

Tell it to my face

Or else shut up n shove it

I aint gonna take any more nonsense

Coz i cant last much longer this way

So people,here it is straight n hard

Love me or Hate me, do what you want

Just tell it to my face

Don't try n mess around

Behind my back

Coz i ain't gonna stand that nemore

Like it, don't like it?

I dont care a whit......

No more nonsense, no more bullshit

No more crazy mind game.....

Its too much for me to handle

Turning me to a darker place

A door that I've kept shut for ages

A dark n twisted place,

A place that makes me something i don't wanna be

Every time i feel the door shaking

I feel afraid

Coz I've been there before

Don't wanna go back again

I've worked to hard to keep it shut

Now it threatens to break open again

Please people, no more of this....

I can't handle it much longer

I'm being forced to get tough


Enough is Enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My weird Abt Me's............

Hey people, since i'm kinda nuts........... well kinda is an understatement when u take into consideration that agra threw me out............. I'm posting some of my abt me's that i've written for my profile on orkut.................. acc 2 a frnd of mine, its blank verse/poetry or somethin of that sort

to me, jus somethin i came up wid in a weird state of mind.........
plz post ur comments n lemme kno