Monday, June 22, 2009

So, here are some of the recipes i came up with recently.
(Mushrooms will figure prominently in this post given that i had to finish off quite a few)
Please note, i dont generally use fixed quantities because I have no fixed quantity myself.

Water Chestnuts & Mushrooms in Garlic butter

About 18-20 water chestnuts, peeled and washed
1 packet Mushrooms 12-15
Garlic, Ginger - Finely chopped, very little
Salt, pepper, red Chilli powder

Destem the mushrooms if the stem is dry, or you can use them with the stem.
This depends on your judgement
Halve the mushrooms and keep aside
Make sure that the water chestnuts are properly peeled and no traces of the covering remain since it is tricky to get right

Heat some butter in a non stick pan till it melts completely.
Add the water chestnuts to the pan, and let them roast a little bit, till they start colouring up.
Add a little bit of the chopped ginger and garlic to the butter, along with the mushrooms.
Cover the pan and let it cook for a while. Make sure not to stir the mushrooms until they turn a proper brown or they will release all their water n shrink.
Once the mushrooms are cooked, add salt, pepper and red chilli powder to taste.
Garnish with Coriander
Serve hot/warm.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Psmith
If one visits Blandings Castle on a weekend char-a-banc or picnic( half a crown a head), when the premises of that great stately home of England are thrown open to the public, one is generally shown around the house, the portrait gallery and the rest of the general premises by one of the two footmen, or if the group is especially lucky, by none other a celebrity than Beach the butler himself. Certain parts of the house are such as the private living quarters are, of course, cordoned off by means of velvet ropes, while only the bravest and most daring souls, such as those who once populated the Round Table, may venture into the famed gardens at their own peril, whilst running the risk of encountering that hard headed Scotsman, Angus McAllister, who guarded his gardens more fiercely than any dragon ever guarded its treasure. Yet unmentioned by most guide books and tours, in the midst of once of the fine gardens some distance away from the house, one comes upon a large red brick structure, the home of none other than the famed Empress of Blandings, the Earl of Emsworth's prize sow. The proprietor of these grounds would have been shocked to hear someone refer to the Empress or her residence as unimportant, although as an architectural wonder, the sty is singularly unimaginative.
However, this weekend, as the public wandered throughout the hallowed halls of Blandings, there stood a figure on the railing of the sty, drooping like a wet sock and resembling a scarecrow in clothes that it should have been ashamed of. This then was Clarence, the ninth Earl of Emsworth, that amiable peer, trying to hide the latest secretary his sister Hermione had foisted upon him, for despite having moved out of Blandings, she nonetheless continued to interfere in his life, seemingly eager to make him miserable, and long distance at that.
Ok, so this is for that one in a billion chance that someone other than me actually reads this blog, and I'm pretty sure even the folks listed as co -authors don't, and ofc, there were supposed to be more but they aren't listed any more. Anyway, I haven't really posted anything for a while now here. The reason for that is quite simple, no one ever really reads this. So i don't really see much point in posting anything up here. Sure I have the same kinda thoughts, I write various things, including 2 attempts at writing books, one with a friend and now abandoned, and another one, on my own, ongoing at a tediously slow. I intend to keep at it for sure, but given that no one really ever reads this blog at all, I find it hard to keep posting on here. Sure, i'll post from time to time, but it's just getting harder to do so. I'd love to post excerpts from the first attempt at book writing on here, if anyone would actually be willing to read it. And if you do read this, please for the love of god, comment so i know that someone actually reads this

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Top 20 Reasons to Date a Squash Player

1.we like it hard and fast against the wall
2.we're used to having bruises on our knees 
3.we're used to performing in minimal amounts of clothing 
4.after 90 seconds we're ready to go at it again 
5.we don't mind getting hot and sweaty 
6. we're always open to new moves & positions 
7. we perform to please the crowd 
8. we know where the sweet spot is
9. we show off our legs 
10. we like being videotaped to improve ourselves 
11. we enjoy doing hard things 
12. we're always on top of the ball
13.we hit from any angle
14. we're good with our hands
15. we know how to play doubles
16. we like to be on top of our game
17. we know how to take it up the middle
18. we play the court until we score
19. We can do it forehand and backhand.
20. one word..FLEXIBILITY

Monday, April 27, 2009


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It's the middle of the night and I'm awake

Tossing and turning sleeplessly in my bed

Feeling that I know what it is I want

And yet the realization hits me like stepping on a rake

That my hopes should have long been dead

For what I need I cannot say,

At least what I want I think I know

The calm and loneliness surround me

Alone in this city of millions

As I sit here, late in the dark summer night

Listening to the song, over and over

As it echoes my own feelings.

Which I fear to let out, for I am afraid

Afraid of being ridiculed, for I know deep down

What I want and what I feel, is all but impossible

But still I can't seem to shake it

That little flame of hope, burning steadily on

Through my darkest hours, steady and unwavering, refusing to die

When I have damn near given up on it myself,

There is still a part of me, that knows what I need.

Knowing that until I get that which I seek,

This calm and loneliness shall go on.

No matter where I am, no matter what I do

Until I find that someone, I will always continue to feel alone

For I have experienced the depths of loneliness

Alone in a foreign land, and yet here too,

Back home, I still feel that same sense of loneliness

As though a part of me is missing, feeling incomplete

Knowing that it can only be filled by someone else

Who it is, I know not.

I do not even know if that void will ever be filled

All I can do now is hope, that there is someone out there

Who I can open up to and let in, who will fill

That vast chasm that no one has yet seen,

For until that valley is overcome and filled to once again make it whole

I fear I will always be,



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So here I am, sitting up at 11:30 on a Saturday night at home, finished a helluva dinner, most of which I cooked, followed by my first mangoes of this year. All in all, indeed a memorable and fantastic end to the day. And yet, I find myself sitting up writing this, unable to sleep, hopelessly addicted to the song Tennu Leke, by Omer Inayat from the movie Jai Veeru. Now granted, I haven't seen the movie myself, but from all accounts, the above mentioned song seems to be the only good thing about the entire movie. Strange as it may seem, as I sit here touch typing this post, as my own emotions seem to mirror that of the song quite well.

Why it is so, I cannot say, and yet I feel this loneliness deep inside me. Unable to sleep, this calm slowly bugging me, little by little, this loneliness getting to me. As late at night when I'm all alone, is when I really, really wish I had a certain someone who I could share my feelings with. Maybe its just me, I don't know, but I've just gotten kinda sick of bottling up all my emotions deep inside me, scarcely letting a thing out. Sure I've got friends, quite a few of them, or at least thats what I think. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. But no matter how many friends you have, I still feel the need for someone special, someone who's like a really close friend, but more than just that.

I've been told by quite a few of my friends who've been in relationships that being single is way better, that its so much better to be on your own. That being single gives you so much more freedom to do whatever you want and so on. And given that they've experienced both sides of the equation, granted there's probably something to what they say. And yet I can't help but notice, that they were, and still are, far happier, in a different way altogether, when they were in a relationship, than when they're single. For when a relationship ends, they usually do so on a sour note, and lets face it, how many relationships actually end on a good note anyway? And this unhappy ending is usually the most vivid memory of relationships that remains with them, despite the good times that they may have had.

It's a common human habit, and in my opinion, a problem, that for some reason we tend to remember only the sad and unpleasant memories in our past, no matter how happy the memories that preceded it may have been. And perhaps, this is why so many people have told me that being single is far better, although very few say its a happier state of affairs.

Anyway, back to what I'd just started talking about. Sorry I had to take a pause in between so you might notice a slight change while reading this, if anyone is at all. Just got a little too much to handle.

And now, back to the topic at hand.

It's really starting to suck, little by little, day by day, this whole business of being single, in my position. More than I realized, I need a certain someone, someone who I can let in without fear, with whom I don't have to hide myself, someone who I can reveal my thoughts to. My senses are being slowly strained more and more, reaching a breaking point, at which point, I do not know what will happen, except hopefully reset and start over with the same endless, torturous cycle. Each night as I lie in my bed, awake, unable to sleep, that wish gnaws deep inside me, for my state without that person is not something I wish to continue. That lonely calm troubles me, while peace of mind eludes me. Life just seems to be getting more and more monotonous without it.

When someone who makes me feel like that comes around, they turn my world upside down, unleashing a flood of emotions that I long for, wishing I could always feel like that, and yet I know that it is not to be. Kinda like having split emotions on a single topic really, for part of me feels and realises that these hopes of mine are but empty shells, never to be realised or become reality, and yet another part of me is hoping against hope, that I do find what I'm looking for, because my existence without that is but a mere shell. A shell closed tight to all who look, seemingly calm and quiet, shiny, but no one, not even those I hold dear, know what lies underneath that hard shell. There are one or two who do know me well enough to have an idea, but yet, for most, that is all they see. And part of it comes from fear, fear of getting hurt. For I fear that if I let someone in again, open the shell, for them, its all too easy to get hurt. For the shell might be hard, but what lies inside is far more fragile. I just hope, that one day, I find what I so dearly seek. Until then, Cheers to no one, for thats precisely who reads this.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Li'l start

Mayawati takes a goat and goes to visit Lalu
Lalu says: arey, tum is bhainsawa ko kyon lekar aaye ho?
Mayawati says: tum yeh kya bol rahe ho, dikhta nahin ye bakri hai?
Lalu says: arey, hum toh bakri se hi baat kar rahe they

Friday, March 06, 2009

Pattern. Or maybe.

"I been so lonely, I been so lonely, I been so lonely I could die." - Elvis Presley

"People come to windows and they always stare at me,
Shaking their heads in sorrow,
Thinkin' who can that fool be?" - Johnny Bragg & Robert Riley with the Prisonaires.

"And I still haven't found what I'm looking for" - U2

"And when I get home to you,
I find the things that you do,
Will make me feel all right" - The Beatles

"I hope my pony, I hope my pony, I hope my pony knows the way back home" - Tom Waits

"You gotta hold on, hold on,
Yeah you gotta hold on,
Take my hand, I'm standing right here,
you gotta hold on" - Tom Waits

"The curious feeling swam through him that everything was beautiful there.
And it would always stay beautiful there." - Tom Waits

"Well maybe God himself is lost and needs help
Maybe God himself he needs all of our help
And he's lost upon the road to peace
And he's lost upon the road to peace
Out upon the road to peace." - Tom Waits

"T'ain't no sin to take off your skin
And dance around in your bones" - Tom Waits

"All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free." - The Beatles

"And dropping a bar bell he points to the sky
Saying, "The sun's not yellow it's chicken" - Bob Dylan

'I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form.
"Come in," she said,
"I'll give you shelter from the storm."' - Bob Dylan

"All the people we used to know
They're an illusion to me now.
Some are mathematicians
Some are carpenter's wives." - Bob Dylan

"Do You Know We Are Being Led To
Slaughters By Placid Admirals
& That Fat Slow Generals Are Getting
Obscene On Young Blood
Do You Know We Are Ruled By T.V." - The Doors

"When the day is done
Down to earth then sinks the sun
Along with everything that was lost and won
When the day is done." - Nick Drake

"Time has told me
You're a rare rare find
A troubled cure
For a troubled mind.

And time has told me
Not to ask for more
Someday our ocean
Will find its shore." - Nick Drake

"Clothes of sand have covered yor face
Given you meaning but taken my place
So make your way on down to the sea
Something has taken you so far from me." - Nick Drake

"I know you
I care too
I see through
All of the pictures that you keep on the wall
All of the people that will come to the ball
But hear me calling
Wont you give me
A free ride." - Nick Drake

"Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone? 
Open your heart, Im coming home." - Pink Floyd

"I've got a bike 
You can ride it if you like " - Syd Barrett

"I've got wild staring eyes
And I've got a strong urge to fly, but I got nowhere to fly to" - Pink Floyd

"What'd you ever say today when you're in the milky way 

Oh tell me please 
If I met you - I told you what to do 
Seems a while 
Since I could smile the way you do... 

How many times, if I try, if I may, 
When you're in the milky way 

Half of your time -beside me only atmosphere 
Since I could smile the way you do... 

What can anyone mean to you 
Standing in the milky way 

Take life easy 
Why so empty...? 
I told you - I can tell you 
What to do - when I hold you 
And I tell you "I love you" 
I feel that I'm way you do... 

Give a grasp of life today 
When you're in the milky way 
Oh, try to please! Knock on wood of the trees 
Glad you, mold you, mold you and hold you 
Means five miles 
And everyway for you..." - Syd Barrett

"'Cause we're the fishes and all we do 
the move about is all we do 
well, oh baby, my hairs on end about you..." - Syd Barrett

"I'm not like everybody else, I'm not like everybody else,
And I don't want to live my life like everybody else,
And I don't want to live my life like everybody else" - The Kinks

"I just came, to chase the blues away" - Tim Buckley

"There is a child sleeping near his twin
The pictures go wild in a rush of wind
That dark angel he is shuffling in
Watching over them with his black feather wings unfurled

The love you lost with her skin so fair
Is free with the wind in her butterscotch hair
Her green eyes blew goodbyes
With her head in her hands
and your kiss on the lips of another
Dream Brother, with your tears scattered round the world.

Don't be like the one who made me so old
Don't be like the one who left behind his name
'Cause they're waiting for you like I waited for mine
And nobody ever came...

I feel afraid and I call your name
I love your voice and your dance insane
I hear your words and I know your pain
Your head in your hands and her kiss on the lips of another
Your eyes to the ground
and the world spinning round forever
Asleep in the sand with the ocean washing over..." - Jeff Buckley

"I see a bad moon rising" - Creedence Clearwater Revival

"I have no work to do, so I posted random lyrics on my blog page. I hope to study after this" - Vishad Sharma

Saturday, February 28, 2009

What do i say???

First off, the only reason I'm writing this on my blog is that i happen to know that the number of people who read this is less than the number of digits in a single digit number. So, on that note, please stop reading this if you are reading and kindly navigate to another site.
Thank You

Have you ever been in a place where you have so much to say that its like a dam waiting to burst, all thats needed is the floodgates to be opened to let out everything thats being held back, but couldn't say it? 
And it gets harder to say to those nearest and dearest to you. You know deep down that they love you unconditionally, that they're there to share both your joy and your grief.  They've had their share of ups and downs, they say, and they'll understand whatever you tell them.
But how do you tell them that which you really want to, that you really need to, when its so dark and scary that it haunts your every moment?
How do you tell those people, who have so rarely had a misstep in their lives, those who you look upto as the standard of excellence that you will always strive to but fall short of, that which truly ails you?
How do you tell someone that the thing you really fear is yourself?  For you know deep down, that no one can really hurt you, there's no one and nothing to fear, for what others can do can easily be repaired, but the only one who can really harm you is you. For no one else knows me the way i do, only i know what goes on inside my head, and i alone know the fear that i feel, when i cant control that whichs runs through my own head. There's a part of me, which i keep buried, deep down inside me, locked up tightly, afraid to let it out. But how do i tell them about the time it finally broke free, and ran amok. There was nary a thing i could do to stop it, all i could was delay it. Although i managed to cross that hurdle for now, the beast still lurks inside me, ready to take over at the slightest chance, always snarling and snapping, straining at the chains i have used to hold him. But i fear this time, the chains are still weak, and a single weak link is all it needs to break free, and destroy all that i struggle to keep safe.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To the Moral Police

Fuck YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More to follow later.......