Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ok, so this is for that one in a billion chance that someone other than me actually reads this blog, and I'm pretty sure even the folks listed as co -authors don't, and ofc, there were supposed to be more but they aren't listed any more. Anyway, I haven't really posted anything for a while now here. The reason for that is quite simple, no one ever really reads this. So i don't really see much point in posting anything up here. Sure I have the same kinda thoughts, I write various things, including 2 attempts at writing books, one with a friend and now abandoned, and another one, on my own, ongoing at a tediously slow. I intend to keep at it for sure, but given that no one really ever reads this blog at all, I find it hard to keep posting on here. Sure, i'll post from time to time, but it's just getting harder to do so. I'd love to post excerpts from the first attempt at book writing on here, if anyone would actually be willing to read it. And if you do read this, please for the love of god, comment so i know that someone actually reads this


Anonymous said...

There's at least one person still hanging around.

Anonymous said...

Whoopee@!!!!!!!! now i gotta write some more!!!!!!!!!

the place where colors collide said...

make that two :)

Nepharius said...

I read. :) Occasionally, but I read!