Monday, January 28, 2008

I dont know what to say................

I don't know that to say
Theres something different about me i feel
And yet i feel as though its still the same.
Can't quite put my finger on it.
Things are going so friggin well.
Life truly is beautiful.
And yet, its as twisted n messed up as it is beautiful.
There's this loneliness inside me,
Thats eating me up from the inside.
Don't know how bad it can get,
Or even how it can get any worse.
Its so goddamn bad already;
And yet day by day it gets worse.
And yet, things look so friggin bright on one side,
Goddamn it, i'm truly insane arent i.
I cant take this stuff anymore.
I need to fix this fast,
before i go over the edge.
Hell, i already am over the edge.
Geez, someone please, help me, what do i do now?
'And to top it all of, this post sucks too.......
Fuck. All this really sucks.
ah well. screw it, screwed neways, nvm.

Life is truly weird. Fun, but weird nonetheless

Life. Truly is weird. Ah so weird.
Why do you ask? So do i sadly, so do i. Why it is weird, i cant really say. All i know is that it just is. Things go so well on the one hand. And yet, on the other hand, they get so screwed up that it looks worse than a disfigured signboard in a funhouse mirror. But thats the way life goes, thats the way the cookie crumbles, and so on. Yin and Yang i guess. Balance of life. Getting pretty close to insanity now, getting crazier by the day. If i haven't already gotten there yet that is. And i'm pretty sure i have. Ah well.... Fuck it. Life goes on.

Ave Internet, je insanus te salutant.

Or something along those lines. My Latin sucks

Just dont take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive.