Wednesday, August 02, 2006

bit of needed info

Hey People,
plz dont mind if the posts in the blog seem somewhat incoherent or unrelated, its simply because the blog is simply my random thoughts, n my thoughts r usually just so. HIghly value ur comments and feedback on how i can improve, so plz comment, coz i'm still new to this.


tan said...

hey don't know if you still need the info, perhaps you've found and learnt this yourself but anyway, here's a piece of advice, free as it always comes. you don't owe any apology for the randomness of your thoughts, they are yours in the first place. if anyone wants to read, they will, at their own choice or risk : ) you are young, if you're not random, it's abnormal. just let yourself go, write what you wish, don't ever let others decide what you think of yourself, your writing, your thoughts, you. cheers. shit, this feels like grandmotherly talk. where's my beer now.

Anonymous said...

@ t

Thanks a lot for that man.....
Enjoy the beer.....