Thursday, August 04, 2011

Trusting a golden liquid

Trust is such a fickle thing, just like fame
Takes ages to earn, and yet
Can disappear in the blink of an eye
Humans as a race, have always distrustful been
But untrustworthy even more
Stab you in the back without even a warning war cry
Little wonder it is though,
Given that mans best friend is not man but the dog?
And yet I have more trust and faith in this golden liquid
than i do in my fellow human beings,
Some of whom would gladly sell me out,
For a few quid.
It does not lie nor does it betray.
Its upfront and clear when its served to you on the tray
People who do not understand it claim it led them astray
But that is not true,
Understand it, love it and treat it with respect
It will stay constant and ever the same
It makes no false promises and gives you no false hopes
It delivers what it says
Maybe more, but certainly no less.