Monday, June 22, 2009

So, here are some of the recipes i came up with recently.
(Mushrooms will figure prominently in this post given that i had to finish off quite a few)
Please note, i dont generally use fixed quantities because I have no fixed quantity myself.

Water Chestnuts & Mushrooms in Garlic butter

About 18-20 water chestnuts, peeled and washed
1 packet Mushrooms 12-15
Garlic, Ginger - Finely chopped, very little
Salt, pepper, red Chilli powder

Destem the mushrooms if the stem is dry, or you can use them with the stem.
This depends on your judgement
Halve the mushrooms and keep aside
Make sure that the water chestnuts are properly peeled and no traces of the covering remain since it is tricky to get right

Heat some butter in a non stick pan till it melts completely.
Add the water chestnuts to the pan, and let them roast a little bit, till they start colouring up.
Add a little bit of the chopped ginger and garlic to the butter, along with the mushrooms.
Cover the pan and let it cook for a while. Make sure not to stir the mushrooms until they turn a proper brown or they will release all their water n shrink.
Once the mushrooms are cooked, add salt, pepper and red chilli powder to taste.
Garnish with Coriander
Serve hot/warm.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Psmith
If one visits Blandings Castle on a weekend char-a-banc or picnic( half a crown a head), when the premises of that great stately home of England are thrown open to the public, one is generally shown around the house, the portrait gallery and the rest of the general premises by one of the two footmen, or if the group is especially lucky, by none other a celebrity than Beach the butler himself. Certain parts of the house are such as the private living quarters are, of course, cordoned off by means of velvet ropes, while only the bravest and most daring souls, such as those who once populated the Round Table, may venture into the famed gardens at their own peril, whilst running the risk of encountering that hard headed Scotsman, Angus McAllister, who guarded his gardens more fiercely than any dragon ever guarded its treasure. Yet unmentioned by most guide books and tours, in the midst of once of the fine gardens some distance away from the house, one comes upon a large red brick structure, the home of none other than the famed Empress of Blandings, the Earl of Emsworth's prize sow. The proprietor of these grounds would have been shocked to hear someone refer to the Empress or her residence as unimportant, although as an architectural wonder, the sty is singularly unimaginative.
However, this weekend, as the public wandered throughout the hallowed halls of Blandings, there stood a figure on the railing of the sty, drooping like a wet sock and resembling a scarecrow in clothes that it should have been ashamed of. This then was Clarence, the ninth Earl of Emsworth, that amiable peer, trying to hide the latest secretary his sister Hermione had foisted upon him, for despite having moved out of Blandings, she nonetheless continued to interfere in his life, seemingly eager to make him miserable, and long distance at that.
Ok, so this is for that one in a billion chance that someone other than me actually reads this blog, and I'm pretty sure even the folks listed as co -authors don't, and ofc, there were supposed to be more but they aren't listed any more. Anyway, I haven't really posted anything for a while now here. The reason for that is quite simple, no one ever really reads this. So i don't really see much point in posting anything up here. Sure I have the same kinda thoughts, I write various things, including 2 attempts at writing books, one with a friend and now abandoned, and another one, on my own, ongoing at a tediously slow. I intend to keep at it for sure, but given that no one really ever reads this blog at all, I find it hard to keep posting on here. Sure, i'll post from time to time, but it's just getting harder to do so. I'd love to post excerpts from the first attempt at book writing on here, if anyone would actually be willing to read it. And if you do read this, please for the love of god, comment so i know that someone actually reads this