Sunday, July 29, 2007

Why do we always chase the ones that run away?

What is it about us humans, that makes us always run after, the prey that runs away. The lengths that we go to, the amount of trouble that we endure, simply to catch, the one that runs away.
Why is it so? Why do we so madly chase, the ones that we know, that we simply cannot have?
There are ample choices in front of us, and any would be far easier, that the prey we hunt. Even the simplest predator stalking his prey, is smart enough to realize this. But we humans have always been foolish in this regard, i guess its one of lifes mysteries, the answer 2 which we may never know. But in case you do find out, do lemme kno. Coz its drivin me insane, n i cant take it nemore!!!!!!!

Loneliness in the land of the big M

Alone in the Land of the Big M
Surrounded by beauty, yet finding it unappealing,
For there is a longing deep down inside of me,
A longing for that which i have left behind.
Each day I grow more detached from it,
But not really letting go,
Coz letting go is not something that i can do.
Its simply 2 much 2 forget about